CASINO ANSWERMAN by John Grochowski
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The web site is owned by Henry Tamburin, blackjack expert and author of the
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Here are some quick links to some of our most popular articles and features in our blackjack newsletter:
- Trip reports: current playing conditions in casinos
througout North America, with special focus on Las Vegas and Atlantic City. Find which casinos
have the most favorable games, penetration, and rules. Our reports come straight from our team of informants who
visit local casinos regularly and report back on the latest playing conditions and blackjack rules.
- Tournament schedule: find out where the latest blackjack
tournaments are happening, how to enter, and how to win.
- Questions & answers: got a question about blackjack? Send it to us, and
we may just answer it! If it's important to you, it's probably important to someone else. So, visit or
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