"The conclusion on the history of video poker trainers, with a recommendation on which trainer is best..."
Read Kneeland's complete article.
"The late and legendary Captain of Craps developed the idea of the "Oddsman's Bet" in the 1970's and it appears in my book The Captain's Craps Revolution!, which was published in 1993. It is a terrific way to decrease the house edge. In fact, if you only make the Oddsman's Bet, you will have no house edge against you except when you shoot. Not a bad tactic, right..."
Read Scoblete's complete article.
"New table games always feel like a sideshow at the annual Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas, with the huge flashy displays of new slot machines filling the Big Top. And new blackjack games are a sideshow within the sideshow..."
Read Grochowski's complete article.
"Check out the schedule of major blackjack tournaments in November and October by region in our Blackjack Tournament Report courtesy of
Read the tournament report.